New Year, New Website!

Welcome to 2023!

What a year 2022 was – so much happened!

We were very grateful for the Christmas break and New Year – a chance to rest and reflect. New offices & shops designed, new shops and shopping centres opened and home interiors finished!

We also ended 2022 with something new to celebrate – our new shiny website! With heavy hat-tips towards Mr Rob Fenech and his team of web designers, and Mr Adam Parker for his continued support on our branding and graphics – we’re very pleased with the resulting site. Gone is the hashed together site which I put together when there company started, and in it’s place, something on brand, on message, showing what we have done, what we do and giving clients old and new, confidence about our credentials, and abilities. New professional photography via Mr Andrew Ward adds to the mix, and we couldn’t be happier! The new splash page was intended to be a bit of fun, a sneaky reveal of some of our work for those who waited a few moments and play with the cards.

The site has been designed to help people find the area of interest, whether you are looking to building a new home or commercial property, looking for interior design services, or just for our advice. The gallery of what we have done features new filters so you can see what our work looks like. More photos of completed projects coming soon!

We hope you like the new site – enjoy looking around!

Best Wishes

Colin @ Fit & Proper Design